
To all of you who attended our September regular and emergent communications, I thank you very much as you were instrumental in a very successful transition to our new home. To those of you who have not yet visited our home at Collingswood Cloud Temple, consider this a formal invitation to attend our October regular and emergent communications. In September we voted on the remainder of 8 petitions, which were received over the summer, and five of the candidates received their Entered Apprentice Degree at the Emergent communication. We are looking forward to initiating the rest of our petitioners in October and to seeing to the passing of our newly initiated brothers to the degree of Fellow Craft. Our lodge is growing and your officers are busy strengthening your lodge. We invite everyone to be part of the excitement and support your lodge.

In addition to bringing in new members, we also have some exciting activities planned for October. Brother Todd Mertz is spearheading a hayride and bonfire scheduled for October 22 at the farm of Right Worshipful Brother Buchert. Look for the flyer in this trestleboard. We will be planning the Square and Compass Day activities. We will be conducting a fund raising activity that consists of selling coupon books which offer discounts to local merchants We will be having a movie night with Collingswood Cloud Lodge. We are beginning the planning for our installation and making plans for the elections of next year’s officers. Anyone interested in moving into the line should contact one of the officers. The year is rapidly coming to a close and it is important that we build on the progress that the lodge has made over the past couple of years. We are a work in progress and we are excited about the possibilities before us. Come join us and be part of the process. We need you. There are many opportunities for you to aid in the continued construction of this lodge. Lend us your expertise.

Your most humble and obedient servant,

George W. Niessner
Worshipful Master