Welcome to the official website of Mozart Lodge #121 of Free & Accepted Masons. Founded in 1871 & chartered in 1872, Mozart Lodge #121 has since served as a home for Free & Accepted Masons in the Camden County area. Freemasonry offers much to its members: the opportunity to grow; the chance to make a difference; to build a better world for ourselves and our children; to practice universal benevolence. It offers a chance to work with men who share the same values and ideals. Join the largest & oldest fraternity of like minded men, whose mission is to become better men, while better serving our families & community. Please explore our website & email us with any comments or questions.

Messages from the East.

R.W. Pete G. Buchert, PGC

Have you ever pondered the question, “Should I and my love ones try and eat more Organic? “. As someone who owns a hobby farm next to a commercial, industrial size farmer and a supplier of the majority of vegetables for southern New Jersey, please indulge me, and permit me to answer your question with a question. Instead of that tasty tomatoey paste like substance you generously adorn your delicious looking home fries with, for this Sundays’ breakfast, we pour a generous mixture of Agent Orange, Chlorpyrifos, and a half dozen toxic substances that I can neither pronounce or spell. Don’t forget the red dye. Let me briefly elaborate, prior to planting the genetically modified tomato (GMO=HORRBLE), previous plantings need to be killed off so as to reduce tillage cost, by an overly ample application of toxic, highly carcinogenic applications of “Agent Orange” like chemicals, which not only kill every weed known to man but also every beneficial microbe, mycelium, protozoa, earthworm necessary for the absorption of nutrients vital to plant health.

Next comes the disc harrow, adding further destruction and compaction to critical soil structure, making deep root penetration, of the soon to be applied water important for plant growth, impossible. To make plants grow in this hostile environment massive amounts of more toxic chemicals in the form of inorganic fertilizers need to be applied. It doesn’t stop there! More herbicides, pesticides, fungicides in ever increasing amounts, due to resistance by the things those chemicals were lab engineered to destroy. Another by-product of this biological warfare waged against all life is the unstoppable climb up the food chain. Lighting bugs, frogs, snakes, turtles are disappearing from my ranch at an alarming rate. I’m sure the critters that feed off these species are being negatively impacted as well. I could elaborate much more extensively but, I’m sure you get the drift.

My suggestions to you is; first, do further research on the subject for yourself. Don’t take the word of the village idiot, like myself. Seek the guidance of the specialists and scientists, all available for free, and at the effortless click of a button, on “YouTube”. You might start by viewing the work of Dr. Elaine Ingram and the “Soil Food Web”. Second, try to purchase as much “Certified Organic” from your local grocery. If that’s too expensive, seek out the local small scale road side stand. The ones with a little
wagon outside their home, stop and get to know them and ask where their fruits and vegetables come from. Ask how they are grown, fertilized, and what weed and insect controls are used. You see, healthy plants, properly grown in nutrient dense soil, don’t really need all these poisonous chemicals, as their own immune systems can guard themselves from insects and weeds, a lot like people who recognize the value of a healthy diet. Grow your own in your local neighborhood co-op or city garden. Even your own back yard has the potential of a fun and relaxing hobby, that offers exercise and fresh air as a major side benefit. Involve your kids or grandkids as a substitute to video games and TV. That family involvement is worth the cost of admission alone. You just might be surprised as to how much enjoyment and mental challenge a hobby garden can be. Feel free to reach out to me at Lodge, or by whatever method works, to further discuss a subject that I just barely scratched the surface of.

Your friend and brother,


Pete Buchert
Mozart Lodge #121
Worshipful Master 2023

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