Welcome to the official website of Mozart Lodge #121 of Free & Accepted Masons. Founded in 1871 & chartered in 1872, Mozart Lodge #121 has since served as a home for Free & Accepted Masons in the Camden County area. Freemasonry offers much to its members: the opportunity to grow; the chance to make a difference; to build a better world for ourselves and our children; to practice universal benevolence. It offers a chance to work with men who share the same values and ideals. Join the largest & oldest fraternity of like minded men, whose mission is to become better men, while better serving our families & community. Please explore our website & email us with any comments or questions.

Messages from the East.

R.W. Pete G. Buchert, PGC


Our beautiful Masonic ritual never fails to impress upon us the wonderful tenants of our awesome fraternity. But, to memorize is one thing, to try and live by them is the true test of a man. I try, but many more times than not, fall short of this lofty goal. Yet, try again, should be our constant aspiration. To assist us in this goal, those wise and virtuous founders of the craft gave us the task, “to memorize”.
Concepts forever imprinted on our mind, that, we may never lose sight of the true secrets of Freemasonry. Fellowship, the companionship of like minded individuals, to aid in our reformation. Symbols, most impressive, to be a constant reminder of our important duties. What a beautiful system to make good men better.

Your friend and brother,


Pete Buchert
Mozart Lodge #121
Worshipful Master 2023

Before You Pay Your Dues,
Click here for important information for our Military Brethren….
and thank you for your service 🙂