Dear Brother,
You are fraternally invited to attend the following Communications of Mozart Lodge No. 121, F&AM, to be held at the West Jersey Masonic Center, Route 295 and Haddonfield-Berlin Road, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, 08003.
Regular Communication Tuesday January 5th 2010 at 6:30 PM, please call or email, Bro Keith Josepayt so we have enough food for everyone. Regular Business, Audit Committee Report, MM Exams, balloting if necessary, closing, presentation from the “Pinups for Pitbulls” (Animal Charity) followed by
Emergent Communication on Tuesday January 19th for the conferral of the Entered Apprentice Degree. Dinner 630 PM, Opening 7:30 PM.
By Order of Worshipful Brother
Michael F Ohr Jr., W.M.
Attest: Frank Dominiano, Sec.